Sunday, March 10, 2013

Big Bluff Hike 

If you haven't been to see Big Bluff on the Buffalo, it is a MUST go!  Bryan and I did the hike a couple years back when we first started dating and loved it.  Bryan's brother, Casey, went with us this time.  You park at the Center Point trailhead in Ponca, AR. You follow the Center Point trail and turn off on the Goat Trail, which has 120ft loss and gain of elevation, and this trail leads you to the side of the bluff itself. 

 The Elk at Ponca

                 Bryan and Casey on Center Point Trail          Bryan on the start of the Goat Trail

 Around 1910, Parents broke a crawl hole through the base of the wall so that the children could walk to the Center Point School safer. 
 Casey overlooking onto the Buffalo from Big Bluff
 Buffalo River
 Group Shot
 Panoramic view of the Buffalo from Big Bluff
 Casey on Big Bluff
         Me doing a yoga pose :)

Awesome lunch/relax spot

Some of the amazing trees on Big Bluff
Bryan at Jim Bluff

Jim Bluff 

Granny Henderson's Cabin
Her Cabin is within 100yards of the Center Point Trail.  She lived here for 60 years without running water or central heat, electricity or telephone.  She stayed in this house well into her 80s and continued to do the daily chores like bringing water up from the river for her cows and keeping up her wood pile for her stoves. 

We made this an all day trip and hiked out with headlamps at dark.  If you take your time the hike out isn't that bad.  However, you do not have to stay all day to be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Big Bluff and the Buffalo river, but if you get the chance to go you might as well enjoy as much as  you can :) 

1 comment:

  1. You guys have gotta let us go with you sometime!! I want to take in these views!!
