Sunday, March 10, 2013

Big Bluff Hike 

If you haven't been to see Big Bluff on the Buffalo, it is a MUST go!  Bryan and I did the hike a couple years back when we first started dating and loved it.  Bryan's brother, Casey, went with us this time.  You park at the Center Point trailhead in Ponca, AR. You follow the Center Point trail and turn off on the Goat Trail, which has 120ft loss and gain of elevation, and this trail leads you to the side of the bluff itself. 

 The Elk at Ponca

                 Bryan and Casey on Center Point Trail          Bryan on the start of the Goat Trail

 Around 1910, Parents broke a crawl hole through the base of the wall so that the children could walk to the Center Point School safer. 
 Casey overlooking onto the Buffalo from Big Bluff
 Buffalo River
 Group Shot
 Panoramic view of the Buffalo from Big Bluff
 Casey on Big Bluff
         Me doing a yoga pose :)

Awesome lunch/relax spot

Some of the amazing trees on Big Bluff
Bryan at Jim Bluff

Jim Bluff 

Granny Henderson's Cabin
Her Cabin is within 100yards of the Center Point Trail.  She lived here for 60 years without running water or central heat, electricity or telephone.  She stayed in this house well into her 80s and continued to do the daily chores like bringing water up from the river for her cows and keeping up her wood pile for her stoves. 

We made this an all day trip and hiked out with headlamps at dark.  If you take your time the hike out isn't that bad.  However, you do not have to stay all day to be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Big Bluff and the Buffalo river, but if you get the chance to go you might as well enjoy as much as  you can :) 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Backpacking and Cossatot 1/2 Marathon

The past two weekends have been spent backpacking and camping in two of our favorite spots in Arkansas, Richland Creek and the Cossatot.  

Bryan took me on my first backpacking adventure to Richland.  My first challenge was figuring out what exactally I needed to survive/make it through the weekend (lets just say I learned real quick once the pack was on my back what I actually needed and didn't need).  We hiked in a little over a mile and found a beautiful area that was flat so we set up camp there.  We ended up staying there two nights and just hiking Richland creek the next two days.  The scenery was beautiful on the river! The trees had just started to change color and we got rain on saturday so we were able to see some need waterfalls.  
I learned that you need light weight EVERYTHING to go backpacking including; tent, sleeping bags ( we took the ones we received as wedding gifts and we love them ), cook wear (we used a minimulist stove and kettle with insulated bowl/cups inside and this was perfect for two people) , food ( backpacking meals for dinner, oatmeal or bars for breakfast and sausage and crackers for lunch) and any other supplies need to survive.  Here are some pictures:  

 I'm ready to go ! 

 We made our seats out of rocks, well we actually made a couch :) 

 Twin Devils Waterfall 
 Waterfall at the Devils Playground on Long Devils 
 Falling Water Falls 
 Another Falling Water Falls shot
 Looking up Falling Water
View overlooking the Ozarks

Last weekend was the 2nd Annual Cossatot 1/2 marathon trail run.  Bryan and Rusty ran the marathon and we all camped at Ed Banks for the weekend.  This was a great campsite away from everyone but the trail actually ran right through our campsite (about mile 5 of the 13.1) so we go to sit at our picnic table and watch everyone run through.  After they ran through we drove to the visitor's center and watched them finish.  They did great!  Here are some pics of the guys running and the kids.  Oh and I put in a picutre of our house that Bryan took the day we left to drive down there because it was to pretty to leave out.  

 Morning of the race, waiting for them to come through the campsite.  It was 34 degrees when we woke up. 
 Bryan coming through

 Rusty and SB after the race
 Bryan about to finish

All of us after the race. We were all glad he came back in one piece :) 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Costa Rica - Honeymoon - Pura Vida!!

Bryan and I were lucky enough to get to pick were we wanted to go on our honeymoon and after looking at several places we picked Costa Rica! Costa Rica was appealing to both of us because of the geography of the land.  Between the mountains, rivers, volcanoes, rain forests and of course the ocean there was plenty for us to do and see. 
We stayed in Playas del Coco at Sunset Beach Vacation Club, a timeshare property. This was located in Guanacaste, a providence of Costa Rica in the northwestern part of the country bordering the Pacific Ocean. We also rented a car, a little four wheel drive Daihatsu.  It didn't look like much but did the job when needing to get from place to place and I would recommend getting a rental car to anyone who goes to Costa Rica.  The roads in Costa Rica were not terrible but the speed limits were low so it took some time to travel from town to town.  Were we stayed was a couple miles from the town where they had plenty of outdoor restaurants and little street markets. 
Here are some pictures:
                                                        Our front porch to our condo
                                                             The main pool area
View from the top of our condo 
Our beach club for Coco Sunset Resort, GREAT food
We read and hear about the rain forests and volcanoes in Costa Rica and knew we had to check them out.  The next several pictures will show you just a small glimpse of what we saw.  We drove to the Area De Conservacion Guanacaste ( and paid ten dollars to enter the area.  Once we parked, paid another two dollars to go on the trail and got a map we decided to follow trail Las Pailas Circular trail which was 3km long.  Along this walk we got to see waterfalls, mud post, hot springs, water pots, fumarolic lagoons and beautiful plant and wild life.  After the walk we went to the Guachipelin hot springs where we did a mud bath and then just relaxed :)  

The steam if from the volcanic activity and was all over the mountain
Rio Colorado (Colorado River)
The Hot Springs ( and yes we have bathing suits on )

Mid way through our week we went to our neighbor beach - Playa Hermosa - and witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets ever!  Here are a few picutres and it is amazing to see how the colors kept changing and getting only more beautiful.
We went zip lining on the Congo Trail canopy tour.  I loved this adventure but I do not think it was as exciting for my Bryan :) You are literally going on rope bridges and clipped in to platforms around the canopy of the rain forest.  The view was great!
We went to Tamarindo to learn how to surf. The town of Tamarindo had a surf town feel and we feel in love with it.  If you are wanting to spend time surfing this is the town to stay in.  Let me say, surfing is super hard and takes alot of strength and balance but it is a blast!  We paid for lessons in the town and walked right to the beach.  Bryan went out deeper and surfed the large waves and I stayed more with the instructor and surfed the smaller waves. We both loved it!  We didn't get any pictures of surfing though since we were busy the entire time, but they would have taken our picutre if we gave them our camera.  After surfing we went to another neighbor beach - Ocotal Beach. Once again another beautiful beach. 

Black sandy beaches :)
Panaramic view of the beach
On our next to last day we went on a jet ski tour.  I would recomend this to anyone who goes.  All the beaches in Costa Rica are public and one of the only ways to get to see them is by boat.  We saw several beautiful beaches, caves and sea animals.  
Looking out of the cave

Monkey Head Island
Sea Turtle
Beach where the cave was
The locals were all very nice and helpful.  There was a constent feeling of relaxation and calmness, probably due to the fact that no one was ever in a hurry :) Costa Rica is a must go for everyone!