Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Backpacking and Cossatot 1/2 Marathon

The past two weekends have been spent backpacking and camping in two of our favorite spots in Arkansas, Richland Creek and the Cossatot.  

Bryan took me on my first backpacking adventure to Richland.  My first challenge was figuring out what exactally I needed to survive/make it through the weekend (lets just say I learned real quick once the pack was on my back what I actually needed and didn't need).  We hiked in a little over a mile and found a beautiful area that was flat so we set up camp there.  We ended up staying there two nights and just hiking Richland creek the next two days.  The scenery was beautiful on the river! The trees had just started to change color and we got rain on saturday so we were able to see some need waterfalls.  
I learned that you need light weight EVERYTHING to go backpacking including; tent, sleeping bags ( we took the ones we received as wedding gifts and we love them ), cook wear (we used a minimulist stove and kettle with insulated bowl/cups inside and this was perfect for two people) , food ( backpacking meals for dinner, oatmeal or bars for breakfast and sausage and crackers for lunch) and any other supplies need to survive.  Here are some pictures:  

 I'm ready to go ! 

 We made our seats out of rocks, well we actually made a couch :) 

 Twin Devils Waterfall 
 Waterfall at the Devils Playground on Long Devils 
 Falling Water Falls 
 Another Falling Water Falls shot
 Looking up Falling Water
View overlooking the Ozarks

Last weekend was the 2nd Annual Cossatot 1/2 marathon trail run.  Bryan and Rusty ran the marathon and we all camped at Ed Banks for the weekend.  This was a great campsite away from everyone but the trail actually ran right through our campsite (about mile 5 of the 13.1) so we go to sit at our picnic table and watch everyone run through.  After they ran through we drove to the visitor's center and watched them finish.  They did great!  Here are some pics of the guys running and the kids.  Oh and I put in a picutre of our house that Bryan took the day we left to drive down there because it was to pretty to leave out.  

 Morning of the race, waiting for them to come through the campsite.  It was 34 degrees when we woke up. 
 Bryan coming through

 Rusty and SB after the race
 Bryan about to finish

All of us after the race. We were all glad he came back in one piece :)